First Blacks in The Americas

The African Presence in The Dominican Republic

Manuscript No. 003

Date: 1500. La Española
Theme: A free young Black man, named Juan Moreno or Juan Prieto, who worked as Christopher Columbus’ servant in La  Española, is considered the first Black person on record to arrive in the Americas since 1492.
Source: España. Ministerio de Cultura, Educación y Deporte, Archivo General de Simancas, INC. 13, 1ra. Parte, fo. 13v.- 21r., 2da. Parte, fo. 4v.- 5r.
Note: This translation is based on a transcription donated by paleographer and archivist Isabel Aguirre Landa.  An earlier version was published in Consuelo Varela: La caída de Cristóbal Colón. El juicio de Bobadilla. Madrid, 2006.

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